Let me introduce you to Nyangatjatjara College. We are an organisation under the Nyangatjatjara Aboriginal Corporation and our sole purpose is education of Anangu students in the three remote communities of Kaltukatjara (Docker River), Mutitjulu and Imanpa. The college has the mission of educating these talented Anangu students to be confident young adults with foundation in a strong identity and willing participants in family and community. At the same time, these young people develop the skills and attributes to participate fully in the economy and the broader society.
The College strives to maintain the high expectations of the Communities to see their children and grandchildren educated for a modern world with foundational knowledge of both worlds. This idea of two-way learning is the glue that binds these two worlds together. Looking backwards towards ancestors, traditional knowledges and understandings at the same time looking forward in future based world of different thinking.
The College strives to see its students move out into the broader community as independent, strong Anangu adults who will be respectful role models in their communities. This will be accomplished through their confidence, leadership and cultural understanding. They will be confident in their ability to operate with "a foot in both camps" with traditional Language and English and be able to share and articulate the appropriate aspects of Anangu culture and participate in the Australian economy through employment and enterprise. The image of our finished students is complete and balanced.
- Mike Tucker, CEO/Principal