Nyangatjatjara College students attended the 2015 Anangu Work Expo at the APY Trade Training Centre in Umuwa from 18-20 August. There were 12 different hands-on work activities offered, and our students benefitted from the experience.
In its fifth year, the Expo attracted jobseekers and secondary students from the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands and beyond. The idea of the Expo is to link people from remote Aboriginal communities with a wide range of training and employment opportunities on and off the APY Lands. Coordinated by TAFE SA and the Department of Education and Child Development's APY Trade Training Centre, it gave job seekers opportunities to look at pathways to work and improve their employment prospects.
Paul Newman, DECD Education Director, described the Expo as "A significant investment in the promotion of future life opportunities and choices for young Anangu people. A great event where the power of collective impact was clearly evident."