Nyangatjatjara College will host schools from across the South Australian APY Lands and Western Australia Ngaanyatjarra Lands for a Tri-State Student Intensive program from 21-24 August, 2016.
"We are expecting forty seven students plus supporting staff from the Ngaanyatjarra Lands Schools, six students plus supporting staff from the SA APY Lands Schools and around fifteen students plus staff from Nyangatjatjara College campuses," convenor Vanessa Houltby said. "So as you can see we are gearing up for a big event, the biggest one yet.
"This year we are partnering with Jimmy Little Thumbs Up to deliver a music based program incorporating personal development themes and a key focus on the power of communication.
South Australian and Northern Territory students will undertake the program as an Integrated Learning Unit, enabling them to receive 10 credits towards their Certificate of Education.
"Students will be involved in learning skills connected with songwriting and music construction and will showcase their talents through a Showcase of Learning on Wednesday 24 August. Graham Bidstrup (Buzz) CEO of Jimmy Little Thumbs Up is currently in the process of arranging media promotion of the event through CAAMA Radio. The Showcase of Learning will be attended by The College Education Director, Elders based in Mutitjulu community, Principals from across the participating schools and Executive Management from Voyages Resort."